Location: Florida, United States

I'm very opinionated and I can't spell. The views I express are entirely my own unless otherwise specified. also.. I'm an idiot at computer stuff. You'll figure that out if you look around enough. :)

Friday, November 19, 2004

A begining in everything

I'm sitting here and I'm not quite sure what to write. To my friends I am a chatter box and to the people I do not know, I am a very quiet, reserved person. One would think introducing oneself would be quite easy and it would be, if I wasn't such a contradiction. My mind tends to move at the speed of light and I can't even keep up with it.

At this point in time I am a 20 year old female (I soooo hope you could tell that by now!!!), and live in the United States, in a place called Florida. I will not specify the town for the fact that this is the internet! *grins* So.. where was I? Ahhh.... the basics :) I work in a place called CHC Laboratories where everyone is absolutely insane. Almost everyday we are falling out of our chairs at something our supervisor has said. My boses would give you their shirts off their backs and they also feed us the first Wensday of every month. I have been there 6 months this month and have just recieved my third raise because my boss learned I was broke.

I have my AA in psychology, but couldn't decide what to do after that so I took a LITTLE 'break'. School bores me and I saw no point in doing this stuff if I had no direction.

The biggest thing in my life is my faith. I do not believe in the 'normal' beliefs that run so rampant in this world. I believe in the trinity but not as others see it. But.. I will be sure to get into that later.

I play a little game called Utopia and am frequently present at the Utopian Temple. In fact, that is how I found this place :) Now here I am, a person so clueless an infant could surpass me and I'm here messing with code. ><

Here is a warning:

I cannot spell.
I never reread things.
and my opinions are just that. MINE but feel free to comment ;)



Blogger Dragon_4eva said...

Harlow Harlow...

It is I...., BANGGANG!

visit for details...

yeh yeh... SHURE u found out at ut...

*wabes* :) why dont u post a link to my lovely site... hehehe... :D

post more... its gonna be fun to read...

4:41 AM  

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