Empty thoughts of a spacious mind

Location: Florida, United States

I'm very opinionated and I can't spell. The views I express are entirely my own unless otherwise specified. also.. I'm an idiot at computer stuff. You'll figure that out if you look around enough. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Shit hitting the fan.

To everyone who has stayed with me as I constantly bitched about my job, I finally did it. I finally put in my notice and the shit hit the fan. Not towards me of course. KC who I work with, called the CFO and showed her ass :) Things started rolling and my supervisor was pulled into the CEO's office and later pulled into the CFO's office. But I am getting ahead of myself.

My friend amy called me one afternoon and let me know that there might be a position opening up at the insurance agency she works at, also, she had been dropping my name to her boss *dances*. I figured, okay, that would be nice but I kinda doubted anything would come of it. Later she called me and said that they would definately have a board meeting about hiring another person and that she would come over to my house to help write a resume for me. Basically, she came over and typed the whole thing out without me saying a word. I kept LMAO cause she was typing shit in that while true about the company would be frowned upon by anyone looking at me for future employment. Also she was tired so she kept misspelling things and such =). Believe me, after looking at that thing (and being as pessimistic about myself as anyone could be) I would hire myself in a second *Gives amy a cookie*. So I go in the next day to meet Roger the boss and he seemed really nice :) and not lecherous at all. He mentioned his wife once (where I come from thats a good thing!!!) and basically just said he wanted to meet me.

Tomorrow I go back for the formal interview. Please, please, please someone pray to God for me?????? I really want that job, cause otherwise I'm in BFE without a car to drive.

Things are a little better at work now that I am leaving. Supervisor didn't freak out like I thought. I start training the girl who takes my place tomorrow. Hmm. what else? Oh yeah, ppl are saying they'll miss me :S and asking me to stay!! Which, to me is surprising. Except for a few ppl in billing, I figured they all could do without me. Jenn up in billing gave me a card that was sooooooo sweet I about cried. And I think its a good message for anyone so I'll put it here:

"People come and go throughout our lives, but there are only a few who touch us in a way that we'll never forget. For me you are one who will always be in my hear and my thoughts. You are special in many ways. Always be yourself and you'll go far in life. I'm proud to have you for my friend!!"

Not many ppl would know how much that means to me. *blinks* I guess what I'm saying, is please let the ppl know around you how much you care about them. Life can get screwy and we get caught up in the little details, but sometimes you can brighten someones day by smiling at them or giving them a hug. I think maybe ppl don't get hugs enough. Maybe that sounds like a little kid, but its true. You never know what will happen in the next moment so don't hold things back.

Um, I guess I'll stop with that. Feeling a little awkward now and hey, while thats normal one has to stop while they are ahead.

Regards to all who stay with me,

Nicole Noel :)

(and yes I know who you are anon and you know who I am =) )

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Another day

I was kinda wondering if anyone got my reference in the last name of my blog. I had that song stuck in my head and couldn't resist it. Of course it is about N. Carolina which is my home state *dances*

Part A is through in my office. February, the damn short month it is, was an ass kicker. I spent 15 hours at work, go to leave and set off an alarm. eeeek. The ADT security ppl were calling and then we had to call my boss and get the way to turn it off. He was pissed and yelling at my coworker Joni, and then tried yelling at me later. I was tired enough and pissed enough to tell him ... well. not really bad stuff, but to tell him straight up WE had to be at WORK. He didn't yell at me, he yelled at Cassandra. Though Chuck said it was his fault he didn't tell us about he alarm. so back to subject, part a is through with for another 20 days :D. What a relief. We even took our time and still got it done *dances*

My friend amy is trying to get me a job with her, dropping my name in the bosses ear. She says she needs someone there she knows. I don't blame her, its not the same there without someone who really understands my sense of humor. :S it can be weird.

I don't know. but my bro is getting off the phone so I have to stop writing. *stares at him and wills the phones battery to last longer*

*cries* its not working.

so I guess its goodbye again till I think of something to write or write of this one. My post really has nothing to do with the name does it???

Unpredicatably Yours,
