Empty thoughts of a spacious mind

Location: Florida, United States

I'm very opinionated and I can't spell. The views I express are entirely my own unless otherwise specified. also.. I'm an idiot at computer stuff. You'll figure that out if you look around enough. :)

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Took me almost a damn year but I signed in again. Christmas (damn the thing anyways) is like two days away and the last time I wrote here was in February. So many things have changed, and yet, as the cliche goes, it all stays the same. I'm the same as I was before. Doing pretty much the same things and living the same life. I finally got a new old car... well its an 01 but hey. I didn't have it before so its new!

Work.. the same.

Home... the same.

WOW... the same. cept i'm on a different server and shit. new ppl around and like I said.. same old drama.

wtf do I use... for so much? I would like to go back in time and kill the person who invented the use of periods for that purpose. As you can see, my grammar has dropped to new lows, but i'm so exicted to have this back that even though I wasn't planning to write i'm writing.

Well, now I'm not. I'm gonna log off this shit :)

