Empty thoughts of a spacious mind

Location: Florida, United States

I'm very opinionated and I can't spell. The views I express are entirely my own unless otherwise specified. also.. I'm an idiot at computer stuff. You'll figure that out if you look around enough. :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

At a loss

Its been about a week since I have posted, right? Believe me, I'm really trying here. I'm a bit of a spammer and when I do control myself, I think it should be applauded. In fact, lets go the extra mile here and say I should damn well get a cookie. Peanut butter is preferrable! *thinks* Hey! its been over a week. Now I'm demanding more :) Send me a surprise.

I turned music on to help me keep on track (previously spelled as tract) and not jump from subject to subject, but I keep singing along, so its defeating the purpose ><. I keep having to go back and read what I wrote while trying to make sure I talk of something besides what I had for lunch today (it was 69c cheeseburger day at McDonalds today, yea!!!!), or even breakfast for that matter.

Last weekend I went to gainesville and had alot of fun. I got there late at night and hadto wait in a strange neighborhood for my friend to show up (I was really pissy about that but she brought Danny who I had not seen in a year!! YEA!!), I was a little on edge about that, especially since this guy went up to a light pole and looked to be slamming his coat against it over and over. So, that night I drank one and a half beers and became fuzz faces (shall I try and not call myself pathetic???). The next day I gave away a pint of my blood (they ask questions like, have you ever had sex with a man who has had sex with a man before? my friend said: I hope not!! LOL) and recieved a shirt in return. I don't know if thats quite fair. We went to see National treasure which was pretty good :)

Althea gave me SHEEP SHEETS (haha mods can't warn me *dances*) for christmas. They are so cute. Blue with stars and moons. and then the white and black sheeps <----- (plural for sheep ;) ) They are very comfortable!

It has been suggest I start an occult, but to tell you the truth, I get bored too easily to do that. I mean, who really has the time for that? or the patience??

I think I should go now.

Aloha, (meaning never alone)

Little Roo

(lol I didn't tell the little roo story did I? oh well just remind me for next time ;) )

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Rules Of Nicole

Hmm. I've been mentioning all these rules on the side so much, I guess I will go ahead and write them down for those crazy and/or bored enough to be reading this thing. It all ties in with my 'past' experiences anyways, so I guess it's usefull enough.

My weekend didn't quite turn out as I had planned (refer to rule 3 of, errr.. the rules). I was late getting out of work because of something a co-worker had told the boss, even though the premiss of her statement was not correct. (I won't even get into that hair pulling story, but I will say it envolved WalMart, four buggies, 2 hours, a cute cashier guy who helped me, forgetting envelopes, and me coming back to my boss telling me I had to sort near 3000 requestions that day. Being that there were only 2 hours left untill I planned to leave, I was upset.)

I just realized I pretty much told the story. *blinks* I must admit, I have a problem sometimes with sticking to what I say. It can be a bad thing. :(

So anyways, with my weekend started that way I was almost expecting it to be horrible. I continued on to my cousins house (aka Tigerlilly to some of you), and proceeded to be pampered :D. Actually, my aunt was cutting and highlighting my hair, but having your hair messed with for 2 hours counts to me as pampering. My sinuses have been acting up lately, and the brushing about put me to sleep while sitting up. I love the way my hair looks and am thinking of dying the whole thing red.

We get back to my house on Saturday (after stopping by work to pick up the bottle of rum), go watch Blade 3 (may I say I loved it?), and then bullshitted for about 3 hours until Althea arrived late to my house. We left, found the elks lodge with only backing up and turning around once (to avoid going around the lake) and went in. I said hello to my co-workers almost as I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, and generally joked around. Tiffany at work went and bought me a screwdriver :), it was too strong, but hey! its the fact she bought me it! We ate and then it was time for Chuck (one of my bosses) to make his speech. Without going into detail too much, towards the end it ended up with my other boss Ron under one of the buffet tables throwing his shoe toward Mitch (lab tech, and a big bruser of a guy). Ron had asked Chuck if he could talk and Chuck said no. :D

Now I know what you are thinking, this shit is boring.. but hey, it was funny as shit to me and this is for MY memories. I think. unless someone else has something to say about it?

To the good part. We reicieved our bonuses. I had only been there for about 6 months, so I expected around 50$ at most. My friend asked if she could open it and her mouth dropped open. 500$ was on the check. *dances around* OH HELL YEAH!! I have to save it for school.. but thats 500 dollars I don't have to save. Anyone wanna come work with me now?? ;)

We didn't get drunk afterwards. We went to my house, got a drink or two, stepped outside (I was hot) and talked about God and life. It was nice, not how I thought it would be, but it was a good time.

So. thats it for that weekend. This post is getting really long, and I still have somethings to put down. I'll end the main part here and put the rules up. Not that anyone cares I think, but it may be funny to look at later *shrugs*.



1. Confusion, within itself, breeds. Within me, it clones itself and follows the movie
2. Insert foot in mouth is not just a random saying; it is a daily occurance.
3. Any expectations set will fall short.
4. Convincing people you are smart is only a matter of using many large words they do not
5. Guessing only provokes Murphy and inacts his 3rd law.

(hmm.. this may grow or change in order.. I am not yet sure :D )

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Without Sleep

Something keeps biting me. Owies. Seriously.


Its 11:14 at night, and I have to get up in around 7 hours. I've yet to go to bed. I'm once again breaking my decision not to post one day after the other, so I believe I will make this post a short one. Because there is nothing new going on in my life. Not really. Not yet anyhow. ;) As I'm writing this, I occasionally pause to go bug Valek and Jelly some more. Eventually they will learn to ignore me. Till then, they are fair game.

Most anyone who reads this, knows what my plans are for the weekend, so I hope I haven't built them up so much in my mind that it just goes down the shit can. That is Rule number 3 of Nicole. Any expectations set will fall short. Simple rules for a simple person. I would so cry if this weekend turned bust.

I recently (as in 3 hours ago) drug my cousin into the UtopiaTemple. They have no idea what I have unleashed there. Just wait until she gets warmed up and then we are on there together. *evil grin* Jen-Jen and I have been through a lot together and I've always felt better for being around her. She's one of the few nice ppl in the world.

eeek. owww. damn. I think I'm imagining these bites. It would figure that I would do that. *blinks* k. so that sentences is fucked up and I'm not fixing it!!! HA!! *imagines an english teacher reading this and having a stroke because of it*


I keep thinking of bed. it seems to be calling my name. I'm trying to decide whether to sleep with a pillow tonight or with out one (meaning I sleep on my stomach :) ). Can you tell how bored I am? Talking about sleeping when I could actually be sleeping?? I will cut this short now :D I try to never intentionally be pathetic!


Nicole (aka Forgotty)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More Babbling (shit, did I spell that right?!?!)


So I'm back again, when I said I would wait a week. The thing is, I am really going towards a banning in the LA of the UtopiaTemple and I figure this will save my ass. The moment feel like talking to someone, everyone I want to talk to gets off of both UT and MSN. Talk about frickin Irony, or should I say Oxymoron? Bah, its Irony.

I stick with my declaration of yesterday, although many ppl have spoken to me of it. Trust me, its better off this way. Darkabundance.. I think I know who you are ;) but.. your blog does not even show up and I HATE guessing because the moment I say something it turns out wrong. It is the 5th rule of Nicole (kinda like Newtons Laws, but I figure I'm not prestigious enough for laws. plus that have to be exact and I can't spell either), and I have finally learned to observe that law.

Work was pretty good today. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before (and I'm too lazy to go back to find out), but I looooove driving. I can drive for 10 hours straight (well, discluding bathroom breaks of course), and once drove from the west side of Tallahasse all the way to the Texas state line. 21 miles from the line with my eyes crossing and my head nodding it starts raining cats and dogs, but thats another story. Back to my main point :D Work and driving. I was there for about an hour and half when I was told I had to go on a stat run (pick up a speciem that has to be tested quickly) to Cheifland. Now, you have to realize the horror stories I have heard about this run. Remember the Hurricanes coming through Florida not too long ago? The main road to Chiefland was flooded because of them and this caused a detour. Amy and Serina both had told me that they followed the detour and ended up 30 mins in the other direction in Newberry (I don't know where that is on a map either so bear with me). I was told when I left that if I saw a guy with a fruitstand to stop and ask directions. I don't know about you, but that disturbs me. So I drive off thinking I will get lost. God was looking out for me though, and the road was clear (once again.. thank you GOD). It was a nice drive with lots of oak trees around and cows and chickens there somewhere I bet though I didn't personally see any. It took me three hours to do that run and by the time I got back I was warm and sleepy :); so I took lunch.

Looking back at that paragraph, I'm not sure if it should of been two or three paragraphs instead. I'm not quite sure, being that I'm horrible with gramatical issues and spelling, but I think I would win hands down in a worlds worst. Well, perhaps if a slap happy two year old got on a computer and decided to write a blog he/she would win, but hey, not many do. (Please put the link to the site if you do find one, I would enjoy reading what the kid has written)

The rest of work was normal and relatively uneventful with the normal laughing and bitching and complaining and moaning. Those and's were on purpose :b

The last bit of news? My tummy has been feeling weird all day. but its not bad, its just weird. LOL Kinda tickelish, like my nerves are happy??? buwahaha. don't ask me to explain, I am completely incapable of explaining that crap. Maybe someone else would be able to, but I sure as hell can't.

I feel like continuing with this, but damnit, I feel like warning myself for being completely stupid. And continuing on in an idiotic fashion with no sense at all. So I'll stop here while my hole is not dug too outrageously deep.

If you've read this far I guess you'll be suing me for your therapists (theapists, thearapists, damnandfuck) bills later, so please remember I am broke :(

*hugs* to all :)

PS (okay.. so thats retarded) should I stop mentioning names here?? I just thought of that, and I think maybe I should. I don't want to make anyone feel bad????? = /

Monday, December 06, 2004

Sitting here again

I said I wasn't going to post for awhile and I didn't. Problem is I kinda forgot *looks down sheepishly and scuffs her foot*. Thanks to Naz at the temple (see prior references), I was reminded to come here and update it. Now I'm really going to be getting the feeling I'm about to be warned.. and they can't even do that here!!

Problem is.. what do I say? My life isn't all that intresting. I could tell you about stuff at work that has the whole billing department rolling on the floor, but my set up sucks and I would just end up looking retarded. Don't say what you're thinking.... I've already heard that at work :P
My home life is less exciting then my work life. (Is that a phrase???? I guess it is now.) Except last night I had a dream that my dog was hit by a vehicle. I woke up really upset because I had been trying to get her to a vet when I woke up. I never did get her there. :(

Hmm. some who read this will probably know I've been out drinking last weekend. Since I never do that, it was quite a bit of fun :D My cousin and I opened up the rum, mades some daquris and went out to watch the band play (but not before I made an ass out of myself in front of jen and scott by throwing out one liners to all his stories). LOL, we were very warm when we got out there and spent so much time laughing with each other we didn't even listen to the band play. One of the band members girlfriends had come out and I think we annoyed the crap out of her. LOL

Of course I annoy myself so I guess that is okay. Anyways, being drunk we decided since we had a blanket wrapped around us and we were walking outside into the dark, we should frolick into the night. Let me tell you, I can't quite remember how I reasoned that one out.. but I don't think it was a pretty sight. I'll stop there before I embarass myself. Needless to say.. we had fun.

Work.. the christmas party is coming up, so I plan on getting smashed for that one. My cousin jen is coming out again, and my friend althea who I do not get to see much. We went to High School together and caused many many problems.. which was great. Actually she cause the problems and I helped her write lists like: the top ten reasons she should not leave school property (it was write or get a referral). That list included things such as a wild group of children from the elementary school could come and viciously beat her up (there was an elementary school by the HS) and something like she could get lost in the parkinglot. We were a little crazy back in HS, but we loved Monty Python so what do you expect? (I also highly recommend Eddie Izzard).

So I created a thread in utopia temple to help me not post so much.. but that never works. I mean I've been posting there, but it always gets hit on. Why can't ppl let me bury myself in peace? Its sad the way ppl try and clasify themselves. Either ppl like you or they don't, either things work out or they don't. Why keep pointing it out?? Go silently into that night.

anyways. I left it last time saying I needed help to decipher guys. Well.. screw that. I give up. Totally. I am going to be an old maid with cats and nothing else. I give up on the male spicies. shit damn and fuck. I can't spell


I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. :(