Empty thoughts of a spacious mind

Location: Florida, United States

I'm very opinionated and I can't spell. The views I express are entirely my own unless otherwise specified. also.. I'm an idiot at computer stuff. You'll figure that out if you look around enough. :)

Friday, November 26, 2004

Hello from your resident smartass

I promised to try and think something out before I wrote again. Believe me, I tried. I started writing the other day when I was having a really piss poor day, but that was turning out horrible. I just started writing one around 10 mins ago that involved my confusion over guys, then figured out that that was so overdone and cliche that I was boring myself YET AGAIN (do you see a pattern emerging here?). So here I am again, stuck with nothing to write about, so I'm writing what ever comes to mind; please refer to the blogs title to get the significance of that statement.

My life consists of work, family and the internet. I've never wanted to work in the medical field, yet there I am. I had planned on having my own place sometime during my life, yet here I stay. I was never that interested in the internet (I'm a VERY fickle person), yet I am sitting here typing. Do you see the inconsitancy that is my personality? Well, maybe not so much my personality as what I have as goals as opposed to what I achieve.

Call me the underachiever, or the resident smartass; whichever you prefer. No goals, no desires really, just me floating along in life.

I am a coward in personal relationships, but loyal to any who find their way to my inner circle. A month or a year can pass and I will always be there for them. I am a sucker for people who need something, I usually go out of my way to help people out. The only animals I can hurt are ants that have bit me, fleas and misquitoes. Eww.. wait. I forgot one. Roaches *shudders at the mere thought*. I hate frickin roaches. If there are people around (namely guys :P) I will bug them till they hunt them down and destroy them. If there is only me, I will hunt the bastard down with a singlemindedness that should be reserved for killing mass murders. The recent hurricanes and us leaving our doors open to save money let the tree ones in and it was really really really disqusting.

That kinda ruined whatever else I was gonna write. Now I'm stuck with a picture of a roach. It really disturbs me.

Well. I'll leave it at that. (ewwwww! Think cats and bunnies and tigers, but no frickin roaches) If anyone can give me advice on how to decipher guys.. I would appreiciate it.

blah, blah, blah



Monday, November 22, 2004

Limbaugh I said!

So, I said I would speak of Rush Limbaugh (today is Monday right??? or have I lost a day somewhere?), and so I will. He did not speak of much besides the the Pacers/Pistons fight. He interviewed someone there and he said the guy who was punched by Artest isn't even the guy who threw the beer. He had passed that guy. If you watch the video, the one who threw the drink is the guy in the white hat and the blue wallace t-shirt who grabs him from behind.

I'm tired of that now. :D

But I guess that is all I have to say. Mondays are so boring its pitiful. The only good thing about this week is Turkey day :). AKA Thanksgiving. The turkeys are thawing (yes that is plural, my dad and brothers work gave them a 9 and 7 pound turkey each respectively), the peaches and pears will be made, everything is falling into place! You know how you get that really full feeling? The best way to get rid of it is to take philidelphia cream cheese, mix it with fruit cocktail and some extra pineapple pieces, and put it over pear and peaches halves. It gets rid of that miserable feeling and leaves you happy.

bah.. I am really boring myself now. Just surfing UT and deciding where to reply and where my words will look the stupidest. I try to avoid letting that part rule me, it tends to get me banned. And I think I have one of the mods pissed at me, so I don't think I will tempt him into banning me. It'll take me about 13 weeks to clear out my wpa down. hehe

so I'm about out of here. but I just wanted to leave this url here. its awesome. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/29/ lol have fun:) the ending is awesome.


Sunday, November 21, 2004

A reply sent

I was so excited after I got off of here. I checked my email, and what was there? A reply from my Adopt A Soldier!!! A few months ago, I was listening to rush Limbaugh when they had the founder of the AC Operation on there. I had wanted to do it before, but had not had the money. After getting off work, I went straight home and signed up. It took a little while, but everything was set up. We sent off letters and then packages. A few weeks later (as soon as he got the care package) he wrote me.

Believe me, it was a relief. I mean, you send of this package and suddenly this name on a letter becomes a REAL person. I started to get worried, because you here of our soldiers dying over there. My cousin is over there and I'm also worried about him all the time, but he's in Afgahnastan (spelling??). *sighs* I don't like stress very much :(

I guess thats my problem in life. I care waaaay too much. Family, friends (shit that looks to be spelt wrong *growls*), and animals we get. I don't let people in for the longest time and when I do if they ever do the 'betrayal' thing, it tears me apart. So its easier not to even get into that right? If sammy ever bit the dust, it would so.. well you get the point. I'll see if I can add a pic on here????

Well, I guess the last thing I can speak of is BangGang from the UT ;) Dear.. I tried to comment, but I seriously don't think you had your comments on (or its my own stupid idioticness shining through!) LOL But I love your music and I've left your blog on so I can hear it.

Thats about it. I'll skip about the playing pool at my uncles house. LOL, the only thing I can 'brag' about is making absolutely impossible shots on accident. ;)

Godbless and goodnight to whomever is reading this,


A day almost like any other

Today, we took the animals to the vet(a cat and a German Shepard). Yes, thats boring I know!! Hannah was scared out of her mind when they had her and Samuel was soooo pissed when they stuck a swab up his ass and violated him. He had this demented growling thing going on. You are thinking, what is new with this I bet. :) Hannah is the Shepard and Samuel is my cat. He's a very bad ass cat. Squirrels no longer tease him.

Anyways, after that we went out to eat (which is great because I'm completly broke).

Whats special about today is that the Gators won against FSU at their home for the first time in around 18 years. I didn't think they would do it, but they pulled it off!!!

UF: 13 FSU: 10

If you do not live near Florida, I am not sure you can understand what I just stated. The rivalry between these two schools is enormous in its proportions and should not be taken lightly. I enjoyed the game though I could not watch the last few seconds :( I tend to get very caught up in the games.

so... yea!

Also, the fight SC (spurrier will soon be there) and clemson was entertaining as well. Though, I think we must be 'disappointed' and 'appalled' at this show of unsportsmanlike conduct. *grins evily*

well. I guess thats all I have to say as of now. I not a very exciting person, but I will try not to be too boring. When I start back with limbaugh on monday my words will become more political I think :


Hmm. I come back here, because I added that comment area on the first day and now I cannot seem to get it to go away. :( I shouldn't of messed with the template, cause I SERIOUSLY don't know what I'm doing here.

Friday, November 19, 2004

A begining in everything

I'm sitting here and I'm not quite sure what to write. To my friends I am a chatter box and to the people I do not know, I am a very quiet, reserved person. One would think introducing oneself would be quite easy and it would be, if I wasn't such a contradiction. My mind tends to move at the speed of light and I can't even keep up with it.

At this point in time I am a 20 year old female (I soooo hope you could tell that by now!!!), and live in the United States, in a place called Florida. I will not specify the town for the fact that this is the internet! *grins* So.. where was I? Ahhh.... the basics :) I work in a place called CHC Laboratories where everyone is absolutely insane. Almost everyday we are falling out of our chairs at something our supervisor has said. My boses would give you their shirts off their backs and they also feed us the first Wensday of every month. I have been there 6 months this month and have just recieved my third raise because my boss learned I was broke.

I have my AA in psychology, but couldn't decide what to do after that so I took a LITTLE 'break'. School bores me and I saw no point in doing this stuff if I had no direction.

The biggest thing in my life is my faith. I do not believe in the 'normal' beliefs that run so rampant in this world. I believe in the trinity but not as others see it. But.. I will be sure to get into that later.

I play a little game called Utopia and am frequently present at the Utopian Temple. In fact, that is how I found this place :) Now here I am, a person so clueless an infant could surpass me and I'm here messing with code. ><

Here is a warning:

I cannot spell.
I never reread things.
and my opinions are just that. MINE but feel free to comment ;)
